Die Teilnehmer am Internationalen Malerei Symposium in Rothkos Geburtsstadt Daugavpils zeigen ihre Arbeiten
Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 25.September um 16:00 im Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils, Lettland sind Sie herzlich eingeladen!
Bis zum 6.11.2016 können Sie Arbeiten folgender Künstlerinnen sehen:
Beatrice Gelmetti (Italy);
Dace Abricka (Latvia);
Deanna Sirlin (USA);
Erdmute Blach (Germany);
Erin Lawlor (UK);
José Heerkens (Netherlands);
Martine Lafon (France);
Nimet Keser (Turkey);
Susanne Lyner (Switzerland)
…During the Rothko symposium, Deann Sirlin from the United States continues her individual style of painting and American way of narrative. An attitude of a French artist Martine Lafon towards Rothko and the red colour is expressed in a concise and clear way. Although colour is essential for a Swiss artist Susanna Lyner, this time influenced by the atmosphere of Daugavpils, she is reserved in regard to colour and minimalistic in regard to form. A minimalistically and compositionally structured approach to her artistic language is continued by a Dutch artist José Heerkens. Turkish artist Nimet Keser pleasantly allures with her refined landscapes. The new Italian artist Beatrice Gelmetti is promising in her ideas and their fulfilment, while German artist Erdmute Blach is confident in herself and free in her flow of paints. Calligraphic accuracy perfected in smooth lines is a signature of a British artist Erin Lawlor. While works by Dace Abricka – an artist from Daugavpils – give composure and Latvian worldview to the teamwork of the artist-ladies.
With their works, all participants of the symposium pay respect and admiration to our outstanding compatriot Mark Rothko, both by giving their works to Daugavpils and devoting them to the 113th birthday of the genius…
Māris Čačka, Künstlerischer Direktor des Mark Rothko Art Centers
weitere Informationen:
Video Rothko Symposium
Mark Rothko Center Ausstellungen