Am 20.September um 16 Uhr wird im Mark Rothko Centre die neue Ausstellungssaison eröffnet
„The autumn exhibition season can likewise be called the Rothko season. Autumn is a time of colour and plentiful harvest, and also a time of Mark Rothko’s birthday. The paintings Mark Rothko created at different periods of his life are as colourful, rich and plentiful as the season of his birth, and much the same can be said about the work of the artists whose paintings will be on display at the Rothko Centre throughout September and October in six new exhibition projects.
The exhibition season is an ode to painting, jubilant and festive, a song of praise for everything the featured artists have achieved in their lifetime – their pursuits and accomplishments, experiences and memories, dreams and creations, everything that deserves to be continued and discussed.“ (Rothko Centre)
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Informationen zu allen Ausstellungen finden sie hier:
Ausstellungen Rothko Centre
Ausschnitte aus einem Text von Prof. Holger Helbig zu meiner Ausstellung kompozīcijas. atbildēt tumsai – kompositionen. dem dunkel erwidern:
ekspozicija: answers-to-darkness
Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog mit einem Text von Holger Helbig.
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