Aus Anlaß des 115. Geburtstags von Mark Rothko zeigt das Rothko-Center Daugavpils Arbeiten aus seiner Sammlung
ab 7.September 2019 im Madona Museum of Local History and Art in Lettland.
Erdmute Blach, o.T., Acryl auf Leinwand, 100 x 120 cm, Sammlung Mark-Rothko-Center
Auszug aus der Ankündigung der Ausstellung:
„…The art centre’s painting collection is remarkably diverse in terms of artists’ geographical backgrounds, preferred materials and techniques. Quite a few works evince a wish to experiment with contemporary art, which, at times, can make their storage and preservation challenging. Still, artwork created in traditional media such as oil or acrylic on canvas is predominant in the collection and retains its value over time. Each work reflects the artist’s individual style and takes the form characteristic of a specific school of painting. Thus, laconicism and clarity alternates with expressiveness and boldly exuberant colouring. The exhibition “GOLD” displays only a fraction of more than 500 works currently stored in the collection. …“
beteiligte Künstler:
Karen Hansen (USA), Viktorija Krupska, Aleksejs Ļitvins (Weißrussland), Beatrice Gelmetti (Italien), Merav Shinn Ben-Alon (Israel), Carol Bernier (Kanada), Romualds Gibovskis, Silva Linarte, Anita Meldere, Guna Millersone, Baiba Priedīte (Lettland), Erin Lawlor (Grossbritannien), Anna Podlewska-Polit (Polen), Erdmute Blach (Deutschland).
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