Answering Darkness. There is no monochrome painting; there is no figurative painting. The almost monochrome, ‘In Daugavpils’ (20) could be a starting point for contemplation. It is an exercise in the limiting of a tone, the capturing of deviations, the keeping of something within a frame. The colours in general are unique mixtures. They are […]
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Exhibition Klanger
Klanger med månens hastighet (sounds with the speed of the moon) The exhibition KLANGER starts with the painting Blue note, a work already finished some years ago, that clearly demonstrates the relation between music and painting for Erdmute Blach: “The title of the painting has nothing to do with colour by the way, but refers […]
WeiterlesenExhibition Variations
The exhibition mainly shows groups and series of Erdmute Blach´s abstract paintings. Variations as a means of expression is used in all kinds of arts. As her work is often based on sound visions it is not surprising that her visual material varies particularly in rhythm, timbres, harmony and dynamic. Balancing the options within a […]
WeiterlesenIntrodução a exposição “cancões silenciosas – silent songs” a Évora 2015
Acima de tudo Erdmute Blach é uma pintora. Mas também é altamente inspirada por outras disciplinas da arte, especialmente a poesia e a música.De vez em quando ela faz uma ponte, por exemplo adicionando action painting num retroprojetor para uma performance de música ou dança: ela reage, interpreta, complementa e cria algo novo.
WeiterlesenIntroduction to the exhibition “cancões silenciosas – silent songs” in Évora (Portugal) 2015
Above all Erdmute Blach is a painter. But she is highly inspired by other art disciplines, especially poetry and music. Occasionally she makes a bridge, for example by adding action painting on an overhead projector to a music or dance performance: she responds, interprets, complements and creates something new.
WeiterlesenPainting by Erdmute Blach (opening speech by Thomas Kumlehn, 2014)
Most of Erdmute Blach’s works exhibited here are purely painting sui generis. That irritates especially the one who knows her broad, diverse oeuvres. But he knows that she doesn’t confine her artistic desire to the genre-formative category, then that is painting. She searches for contacts across genres.